Monthly Events

Focus: Creating Garden and Holiday Themed Crafts
Gathering Day: First Monday of the Month (September through May)
Gathering Time: 10:30 AM 
Cost: $4 members; $5 guests
Questions: Liz Coerver (727) 865-0341 

The Garden Club of St. Petersburg welcomes all adults to our Creative Craft Programs which are offered at the Garden Center on the first Monday of the month. (or second Monday if the first is a holiday,) from September through May. A sense of enthusiasm and a wish to meet fun and creative people is all that is necessary, though your own scissors and a pencil are always helpful.

Upcoming Events

There are no up-coming events

Annual Events

Each year Garden Club of St. Petersburg hosts multiple fundraising events. The funds we raise from the Plant Sale, Christmas Recycle Plus Plus Sale, and Flea Market, enable us to engage in our community outreach projects. To learn more about these projects please visit our Community Outreach page.


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Monthly Events

To better meet the needs and interests of the membership, the club meets in small group gatherings each month. All gatherings focus on different aspects of gardening and offer a variety of different experiences and special activities throughout the year. Our monthly group gatherings are open to all and meet on different weekdays and different times throughout the month.

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Special Events

Each month Garden Club of St. Petersburg offers a variety of experiences to entertain, educate and engage our members.



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