Monthly Events

To better meet the needs and interests of the membership, the club meets in small group gatherings each month. All gatherings focus on different aspects of gardening and offer a variety of different experiences and special activities throughout the year. Our monthly group gatherings are open to all and meet on different weekdays and different times throughout the month.

Game Day Flyer

Gathering Day: Wednesday
Gathering Time: 12:30-4:00 pm Games begin at 1:00 pm
Contact: Helen Tilden to register This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Game Day every Wednesday! Bring your game and your friends and join us for great conversation and fun! Asian Mahjong and Euchre already scheduled. 

Focus: Creating Garden and Holiday Themed Crafts
Gathering Day: First Monday of the Month (September through May)
Gathering Time: 10:30 AM 
Cost: $4 members; $5 guests
Questions: Liz Coerver (727) 865-0341 

The Garden Club of St. Petersburg welcomes all adults to our Creative Craft Programs which are offered at the Garden Center on the first Monday of the month. (or second Monday if the first is a holiday,) from September through May. A sense of enthusiasm and a wish to meet fun and creative people is all that is necessary, though your own scissors and a pencil are always helpful.

Focus: Horticulture
Founded: 1955
Gathering Day: Third Tuesday of the month (September through May)
Gathering Time: 12:30 PM
Questions: Terry Pinckney (727) 345-4190
                Sheron Heins (727) 381-8301  

Once known as Dracaena Circle, founded in 1955, Garden Variety interest group meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 12:30 PM at the Garden Center, unless noted differently,  in the calendar.  The variety of interests within this group is evidenced by the programs and activities planned monthly from September to May.  Refer to the calendar for dates and programs.

The focus of this group is horticulture and related subjects. The members actively engage in all phases of gardening and participate in all Garden Club events.

Focus: Floral Design (Flower Arranging)
Founded: 1969
Gathering Day: Third Wednesday of the Month (October through May)
Gathering Time: 10:00 AM
Questions: Barbara Kirkconnell (727) 307-1581

GCSP - Floral Design Facebook Page

Floral Design (Flower Arranging) primarily is interested in the promotion of the art of floral design, particularly for competition in the Flower Show. The meetings focus on instructions, demonstrations, and workshops by various program presenters,  with the ultimate goal of participation in the Flower Show, as well as personal enjoyment. Check the yearbook for dates of the months from Oct. through  May. Floral Design members support and are expected to participate fully in Garden Club activities, and are responsible for maintenance of the Native Plant Garden on the grounds of the  Garden Club. As a community service project, the group donates Christmas gifts to a local young women's facility, as well as donating to World Gardening and Junior Gardening programs. Several members also exhibit floral designs at the Museum of Fine Arts as part of "Art in Bloom", which has been a successful annual fund-raising event for the Museum of Fine Arts.  We welcome new members with an interest in floral design.

Focus: Horticulture
Gathering Day: Second Thursday of the Month (September through May)
Gathering Time: 10:30 AM
Questions: Sally Farr (727) 515-0517
                  Sandra Doherty (727) 388-3464

A newly formed union of prior circles Jungle, founded in 1929, and Daylily Circle founded in 2014, have come together as Garden Buds. We have a strong interest in horticulture, we affirmed that by establishing a committee devoted to the creation of a gardening support community within the group. This active group alternates programs with field trips for a truly hands-on gardening experience.

Horticulture members form the backbone of planning and staffing for both the fall plant sale and Florida Gardeners' outdoor portion of the Flea Market-producing a successful profusion of many beautiful plants and lovely profits as well!

Garden Bud's dig, plant, sweat, and weed in the lovely bromeliad garden on the Club grounds in Coconut Park. 

Our charitable activities include: donations to St. Pete’s local food bank, supplies to veterans through the VA Hospital programs,  and Toys for Tots.

Focus: This group sponsors the Horticulture for Weekend Gardeners series providing informative evening horticulture programs for Florida gardeners.
Gathering Day: Second Tuesday of the Month (all year round)
Gathering Time: 6:30 PM
Questions: Dianne Blanchette (727) 709-1327
                  Monica Gray This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
                  Anne Ware (727) 945-3444

GCSP Night Gardeners Facebook Page

Previously known as the Night Bloomers, this energetic group of  both working and retired individuals meets on the second Tuesday of each month (year round) at 6:30 PM. The group was  founded in 2008 in response to a community need for evening  horticultural programs. The Night Gardeners sponsor the Horticulture for Weekend Gardener Series providing information  for evening horticulture programs

Focus: GCSP General Meeting
Gathering Day: Second Tuesday in the Months of September, November, January, March and May
Gathering Time: 1:00 PM
Location: Garden Center  

The Garden Club has a business meeting and program for all members at 1:00 PM on the second Tuesday in the months of September, November, January, March and May.

Focus: Board of Directors Meeting
Gathering Day: First Friday of the Month (September through May)
Gathering Time: 10:30 AM 
Location: Garden Center 

Board meetings are held on the first Friday each month at 10:30 AM, from September to May, attendance is open to all members.

Upcoming Events

There are no up-coming events

Annual Events

Each year Garden Club of St. Petersburg hosts multiple fundraising events. The funds we raise from the Plant Sale, Christmas Recycle Plus Plus Sale, and Flea Market, enable us to engage in our community outreach projects. To learn more about these projects please visit our Community Outreach page.


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Monthly Events

To better meet the needs and interests of the membership, the club meets in small group gatherings each month. All gatherings focus on different aspects of gardening and offer a variety of different experiences and special activities throughout the year. Our monthly group gatherings are open to all and meet on different weekdays and different times throughout the month.

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Special Events

Each month Garden Club of St. Petersburg offers a variety of experiences to entertain, educate and engage our members.



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